Sunday, January 29


Overall an ok week.  Stayed busy.  Got to have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off...that was nice.  Today we got to got to church, go to lunch with friends, and then come home and take naps.  AND, now Tristan has been sick the rest of the day.  I woke up from my nap hearing Jason sending Tristan to the bathroom and then heard Tristan throwing up as he ran down the hall.  There was vomit all over the hallway wall.  Thankfully, (since I do the "sympathetic vomiting" thing) Jason let me stay in bed and he cleaned the wall, carpet, bathroom, etc.  He's pretty awesome.  Tristan is still sick however...I think he's got that stomach virus that's been going around.  Hopefully he's the only one who gets's not that likely though.  Grrrrr


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